Each summer, thousands of children, between the ages four and five, graduate from pre-school and prepare for the first day of Kindergarten. The following suggestions are for parents who wish to take advantage of getting involved with their child's education well before they even head off to school for the first day.
Parent/Student Handbook: Become very familiar with all school policies and procedures printed in the Parent/Student Handbook that you received at registration. Before school starts learn as much as possible about the activities and programs at St. Cornelius.
School Calendar: St. Cornelius provides parents with a school calendar for the year.
Back to School Night: Plan to attend! Back to School Night at St. Cornelius is a very special event (for adults only) that begins in the church for a brief orientation. Then we go to our classroom at which time the teacher gives a complete overview of our entire Kindergarten program. At this time the teacher also answers questions that may have developed during your child's first full week of school. Listen for opportunities to volunteer or help as a chaperone on a field trip. Please mark your calendar and make every effort to participate in our Back to School Night.
Daily Routine: Learn about everyday things. For example, please label sweaters, jackets, lunch pails, umbrellas, and any other items that could end up in the school's "lost and found." Your child will thank you and so will we! All Kindergarten children attending St. Cornelius will eat a morning snack and lunch at school. Please send nutritious snacks such as fruit, raisins, sandwich, celery, and carrots. Children may order hot lunch through the school hot lunch program or bring lunch from home.
After-School Care: Find out ahead of time about after-school care arrangements.
Teacher's Name: Help your child learn the teacher's name.
Follow a Checklist
Below is a checklist of key questions parents should ask themselves to help prepare their child, and themselves, during this transition period from pre-school to kindergarten.
Does My Child:
* enjoy being read to every day?
* show self-control?
* ask questions?
* solve problems?
* write his/her name and address?
* classify shapes and colors?
* display confidence?
* work well alone?
* finish tasks?
* eat a balanced diet?
* get enough sleep?
As a Parent, Do I:
* listen to my child and pay attention to the concerns expressed?
* read with my child?
* tell family stories?
* limit my child's television watching?
* limit my child's electronic game activities?
* look up words in the dictionary with my child?
* share favorite poems and songs?
* discuss the day’s news headlines?
* explore the neighborhood and our own backyard with my child?