-to educate students about the connection between healthy food choices, a vibrant community, and stewardship of the environment as a gift from God;
-to provide hands-on, garden-based lessons to support State standards and academic curriculum such as math, science and humanities;
-to encourage outdoor physical activity;
-to reinforce character education through work in the learning garden;
-to create and maintain an inspirational outdoor space for prayer and reflection.
So far we are off to a great start! We began the garden with organic wood boxes. After we had home-made organic boxes (thanks to the Hayes family), we had a really fun dirt party! We appreciate all of the time and energy those families contributed to filling our boxes with soil to get our garden started! The school community has played a very large role in helping support our garden.
By October, we had a butterfly garden and a vegetable garden started. We began to see our plants grow. During this time, we took observation notes and kept showering them with love and care. We spent time discussing the importance of healthy food choices, the environment, plant cycles, and the significance of growing food that is organic.
Recently, we were able to participate in an organization called Project Achieve. Through this program we were able to donate food for the homeless. We have been able to provide salad for a lunch at St. Cornelius as well! Each class planted seeds in a tray in January and we will be transferring some of the seeds to the garden. Students will also be selling organic plants in the near future. The students have loved seeing their plants grow and have also learned a lot about responsibility, teamwork, and dedication.